Feedback from Parents, Teachers and Children

When the first book (Lucy Learner and The Romans) was published, complimentary copies were provided free of charge to schools and nurseries in a number of countries.


In return, feedback was requested so that the books, characters and content could be adapted to ensure they inspired children to enjoy reading and learn more about our world in a fun and exciting way. Only by reading and acting on your suggestions can we possibly deliver a truly exciting and educational journey for our children.


The comments received have been incredibly positive and are shown below, feel free to add your own comment at the bottom of the page or email us at the address shown on the Contact Page as feedback of any kind is welcome.


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  • Tomas and his son Adam (4y) (Monday, April 08 19 10:37 am BST)

    We're currently having three books and they're really fantastic. Nice illustrations, nice stories and very educational with interesting facts.

    Adam likes pressing on Lily's "red button" so that we can go to next page :)

    Can't wait for other new books.

  • Nunu Salim (Saturday, June 24 17 03:45 pm BST)

    Yes, I’ve read it.   it’s fantastic! Vibrant illustrations, Easy to follow, interesting and very educative!
    Well done, I can’t wait to read the next book.
    Keep it up Mr Yarnall.

  • Ananyaa Rai Year 5 Doha College (Saturday, June 24 17 03:06 pm BST)

    This book is really good for children to learn about the Romans. It has cute illustrations which I like from it. Great use of creativity.

  • Oliver Jennnings Year 5 Doha College (Saturday, June 24 17 11:52 am BST)

    Good things
    The illustration (a lot of colour)
    It was easy to keep up with the content
    If I was 5-6 years old and I never knew about the Romans it would tell me
    a lot of facts
    The book taught me a lot of new words,
    Once you start reading it you can't stop!

    Things that could improve
    For the whole time it was just speech and the kids didn't even talk. There
    needs to be a narrator

    Overall I would give this book a 9/10

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